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Verband Deutscher Hopfenpflanzer e.V.

16_02_Logo Verb Dt Hopfenpflanzer

For over 140 years the Verband Deutscher Hopfenpflanzer e.V. (German Hop Grower Association) has been the central umbrella organization and representative of hop producers in Germany and their regional organizations: Hallertau, Tettnang, Elbe-Saale, Spalt, Hersbruck


Key tasks:

  • International contacts, cooperation and lobbying

  • Public relations, advertising and marketing

  • Quality assurance, contract management and plant protection

Hopfenpflanzerverband Hallertau e.V.

16_02_Logo Hallert Hopfenpflanzerverb RG

The hop growers in the biggest hop-producing area in the world are organized in the Hopfenpflanzerverband Hallertau e.V. (Hallertau Hop Growers Association). It works in close cooperation with the Verband Deutscher Hopfenpflanzer e.V.. For example the management of both associations is in one hand.


Key tasks:

  • Expert advice to memebers and sales promotion

  • Seasonal workers and plant protection

  • Market reports, crop yield estimates and compensation claims

Hopfenverwertungsgenossenschaft e.G.


HVG is a transparent, dependable and reliable partner of German hop growers as well as the global brewing indurstry. Besides precessing German hops into HVG hop pellets, HVG extract and other hop products, and marketing the German hop production worldwide, the HVG also fulfills important tasks as a producer group.


Key tasks:

  • Worldwide marketing of hops produced in Germany

  • Support of quality control for German hops

  • Support of hop research, hop breeding and improvement of plant protection

The Hopfenring e.V.

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is a self-help organization of the Bavatian hop growers and member of the State Institute for Plant Production in Bavaria. It implements the state aid options of the Bavarian Agricultural Law and is also officially recognized in Baden-Württemberg as an advisory service.


Key tasks:

  • Technical advisory to hop growers with regard to production and associate partners of the state advisory service

  • Performing soil, quality and residue analyses as well as inspection of sustainability and quality management systems

  • Certification of raw hops (official certification procedure)

LfL Arbeitsgruppe Hopfenbau, Produktionstechnik


The tasks of the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture Working Group for Hop Growing and Production Technology is to develop envirnomentally sound production systems for hop growing and inform the hop growers of the research results of the Hop Research Center in Hüll/Wolnzach through comprehensive and competent consulting. This can only work effectively through close cooperation with the Hop Ring, the Hop Growers Association and the Hop Processing Cooperative.


Key tasks:

  • New hop growing procedures and technologies, hop irrigation

  • Optimized fertilization and supply of trace elements, alert system for hop downy mildew

  • Improvement of integrated plant protection systems, determination of the optimum time of harvesting

  • Optimization of drying and conditioning to maintain quality, documentation systems and business assessments

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